(351) 912 588 885 [email protected]

Free Training with Women's Empowerment Coach Claire Harris

The 5 Ways "Just Winging It" is Secretly Making You Feel Like a Failure (and What to Do About It!)

Women’s Empowerment coach & reiki Therapist

Nurturing Connections, Empowering Each Other

Welcome to Mama’s Village! If you’ve found your way here, chances are you’re seeking support and connection in navigating the journey of motherhood – whether it’s grappling with the new responsibilities of parenthood, balancing the roles of mama and partner, or simply feeling overwhelmed and restless in your current stage of life.

I help overwhelmed mamas to reclaim their sense of harmony and fulfillment and discover the joy of living authentically and purposefully – without the constant worry of feeling inadequate or the fear of never finding their true path.

Mama Claire


I’m Claire

In 2018, I found myself in a similar place to where you are now – an international mama feeling lost and isolated, unsure of where to turn for guidance and support. Without my own “Village” to lean on, I realized there must be other mothers out there experiencing similar struggles, yet feeling equally disconnected.

From that pivotal moment to where I stand today, I’ve embarked on a transformative journey filled with its share of joys, stresses, and overwhelming transitions. Through it all, my passion has crystallized: to guide fellow mamas who find themselves grappling with similar challenges, helping them navigate their paths to freedom and empowerment.

My Services

Experience Transformation

As a struggling mama myself, I understand the intricate blend of joys and challenges that motherhood brings. With my coaching experience, I empower mamas to navigate their paths with confidence, purpose, and balance.

Every mama’s journey is unique, and I’m here to tailor my coaching to your individual needs. Whether you’re seeking to reignite your passions, enhance your self-care routine, set and achieve ambitious goals, or simply find harmony amidst the chaos, my personalised approach is designed to guide you.

My coaching approach blends the power of self-discovery, goal-setting, and mindset shifts. We’ll identify and overcome limiting beliefs, embrace your strengths, and cultivate strategies to propel you towards your aspirations.

Motherhood is a series of milestones, big and small. We’ll celebrate each achievement along the way, nurturing a sense of accomplishment that extends to every area of your life.

Your Empowerment Awaits

As a certified Women Empowerment Coach, my mission is to see you thrive in every facet of your journey. Whether you’re a new mama navigating the challenges of parenthood or seeking to reignite your passions as your children grow, I’m here to guide you towards a life that’s both fulfilling and balanced.

Mama Personal Coaching

Have a question, need support, or simply want to connect? I’d love to hear from you! Whether you’re seeking guidance on navigating motherhood, curious about our services, or just want to say hello? Fill out the form, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Your journey to empowerment starts with reaching out – let’s connect and embark on this transformative journey together!

Free Training with Women's Empowerment Coach Claire Harris

The 5 Ways "Just Winging It" is Secretly Making You Feel Like a Failure (and What to Do About It!